About Us

Homes are our safe spaces. They are where we go at the end of the day to relax, unwind, and to enjoy our spare time. They keep us and our families together. Our houses are where we escape the daily grind, reality, and our typical routines.

If you want to get off the grid, or downsize your home, then you are in the right place.

Here at LivableHomeDesign.com, we specialize in mobile homes, tiny homes, container homes, 3D printed homes, and so much more.

If you are looking for a home that can be used as a means of escape, for prepping, or to downsize and live amongst nature then our livable home recommendations will be perfect for you. 

While these types of homes are typical choices for preppers who want to look into the future and prepare for any events that can impact their lives, tiny, manufactured, mobile, and container homes can be useful for many people from all walks of life. 

One of the reasons you may not have considered this type of home before is simply that you do not know enough about them. Here at LivableHomeDesign.com, we can help you with all of your questions and needs.

Whether you want to learn about living off the grid, prepping, furnishing mobile homes, how to build manufactured homes, or how to let in light and maximize space in these types of homes, we have all of the answers for you. 

From informational articles about building container homes and tiny homes, to how-tos about maintaining them, along with guides on how to make your tiny house a dream home, we have all you could need to start your livable home journey. From casitas to RVs, to yurts. So come and learn about unique homes with us today! 

Having a tiny home or container home is a means of free living. You are not confined to one place forever, and you can escape reality and prepare for your future with your family. 

Here at LivableHomeDesign.com, we have a range of incredible homes in various locations across the states, so you can see where you could be living, or how you could be living your life. 

What are you waiting for? Take a look at some of these spectacular and unique homes today and change your life for the better.

To meet the faces behind this website, head to our Meet The Team page.

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